The answer to the question of whether beef jerky is cooked may seem obvious to most, but you’d be surprised how often it is asked. So the simplest answer is yes, as beef jerky is not raw. Yet it is not “cooked” in a conventional manner such as in an oven or on a stovetop as one might believe. Our beef jerky is smoked.Click to see full answer. Herein, how long do you cook beef sticks?Preheat the Smoker to 100 degrees F, and then put the beef sticks in, plug in the probe and leave the meat for an hour. After that time, increase the temperature to about 120-125 degrees F and leave it like that for about 4 hours.One may also ask, should beef sticks be refrigerated? Yes you should fridge the finished sticks even if you vac seal unless you have them small packs of moisture absorb. Shelf stable sticks are good for vac sealed for 10 days, fridge for 2-3 weeks (un opened) freezer for 1 year. Hereof, is dehydrated meat cooked? The danger in dehydrating meat and poultry without cooking it to a safe temperature first is that the appliance will not heat the meat to 160 °F and poultry to 165 °F — temperatures at which bacteria are destroyed — before the dehydrating process. After drying, bacteria become much more heat resistant.Can you make snack sticks in the oven?Preheat oven to 200°F. Place sticks in oven and dry for 1 hour and 15 minutes on each side or until internal temperature reaches 165°F. Stuff into sheep casings or 17-21mm collagen casings and smoke in smoker or cook in oven at 180°F. until the internal temperature reaches 165°F.